Senior Math Award Gift Ideas
Seniors, Awards Caroline Rossi Seniors, Awards Caroline Rossi

Senior Math Award Gift Ideas

Graduation is in TWO WEEKS, so I spent some time this weekend putting together our department’s Senior Math Award gift bag. Each year, we choose a senior who has demonstrated excellence, perseverance, and growth in mathematics.

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Senior Prom 2023
Prom, Seniors Caroline Rossi Prom, Seniors Caroline Rossi

Senior Prom 2023

Another year is quickly coming to an end, and nothing signals the end a school year more than senior celebrations like prom and graduation. This year’s theme: An Enchanted Evening.

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Get Rolling with Exponential Decay
Algebra II Caroline Rossi Algebra II Caroline Rossi

Get Rolling with Exponential Decay

One lesson I really enjoy in my Exponential Functions unit is the “10-Sided Dice” lesson. Most Algebra teachers know about the M&M exponential decay lesson, where students get a cup full of M&M’s and roll them.

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Polar Project fun
Calculus Caroline Rossi Calculus Caroline Rossi

Polar Project fun

This year, their “final exam” is a project, and I’m trying something new! I saw this idea in the “Desmos Educators” Facebook: creating a magnet using a polar graph design created in Desmos.

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Exponential Growth is King
Algebra II Caroline Rossi Algebra II Caroline Rossi

Exponential Growth is King

One of the big takeaways I want my students to remember about exponential functions is how powerful exponential growth is. It will outstrip linear growth ALWAYS. It grows faster than any polynomial.

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AP Calculus Exam day goodie bags!
Calculus Caroline Rossi Calculus Caroline Rossi

AP Calculus Exam day goodie bags!

For the third year in a row, I created goodie bags to hand out to my students on the day of the exam. I love creating these to give them a little morale boost either right before or in the middle of the exam.

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