My Reflections on Live Oral Test Revisions
A couple weeks ago, I posted a blog post on my idea to try out live, in-person oral test revisions for a past polynomial test my Algebra II students took. I had mixed feelings on the entire experience - here are my thoughts and reflections!

FRQ Practice Ideas for Next Year
It’s that time of year again…my seniors have gone, I find myself with a bit more unstructured time during the school day, and my mind is flooded with ideas to try for next year and things to improve. I typically use my increased free time to look up ideas, read math blogs, and brainstorm alternate approaches, and I always find this process exciting and hopeful. Here is one of my AP Calculus goals for next year.

Trying out Google Calendar’s new ‘Appointment Schedule’ feature for ‘Oral Test Revisions’
I am trying out an alternative to my typical test corrections: oral exams where students solve new problems individually at the whiteboards in my room to demonstrate improved understanding and mastery of material they initially struggled with. I am using Google Calendar’s appointment schedule feature for the first time to allow students to book time slots. I am also having students complete a self-reflection first on their initial assessment.